UPB Catedra de Telecomunicaţii ETTI

Electronic Measuring Instruments   
(series 3F and 3G)    

The Electronic Measuring Instruments is part of the curriculum for year 3, semester 1, all specializations. It has 4 credit points. More information about the curriculum can be found here

The EMI score is distributed as follows:

The minimum conditions for passing course IEM:


The students are encouraged to fill the couse feedback form, until February 7, 2020 here


Course schedule:

EMI middle test is scheduled on 14.11.2019, at 9.00 until 10.00, room A101. Bibliography: DAC-ADC. The students must have stapled sheets (up to 6) and optional one "formulas sheet" (one side A5) also stapled.

Prezenţa la curs condiţionează primirea punctului din oficiu (seria 3D). Astfel pentru lucrare sunt neceasare 4 prezente (din 8), iar pentru examenul final 7 prezente (din 14).


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